iFoster for Caregivers

Resources for Foster Parents, Kinship Parents, Legal Guardians, and Adoptive/Pre-Adoptive Parents

Thank you, caregivers.

You are our heroes, and we are here to help you. iFoster is the largest national community in foster care, providing helpful resources for caregivers, youth, and organizations. Join over 40,000 caregivers and get access to helpful resources.

Using iFoster’s programs and services decreases family needs, improves child and caregiver well-being, improves life-satisfaction, improves grades, and can help youth successfully transition to independence.

Access Helpful Resources for Foster Parents/Caregivers 24/7
  • iFoster has thousands of low-cost and free resources for caregivers, through partnerships with hundreds of companies, government agencies and nonprofits nationwide.
  • The iFoster Resource Portal is FREE! Sign up either online or download the app.
  • Save money on groceries, laptops, orthodontics, tickets to events. Get free eye exams and glasses, tutoring, and so much more.
  • The average family can save over $9,000 a year.
Help Foster Youth Transition
  • iFoster has programs specifically designed to help our young people in foster care transition to successful, independent adults.
  • Our virtual TAY Assistant provides the resources, "How Do I" knowledge, and self-directed trainings that youth need to become independent.
  • Our Jobs Program provides training and employment with over 45 employer partners like Starbucks, CVS and grocery stores.
  • Our TAY AmeriCorps program is an opportunity for TAY (Transition-Age Youth) to help their fellow youth in foster care while earning good money and scholarships.

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